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FIEO to conduct seminar on Opportunities for Trade & Investment for Indian companies in UAE

 New Delhi, Apr 20 (KNN) The Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO) is organizing a One-Day seminar on “Opportunities for Trade & Investment for Indian Companies in UAE”. The seminar will take place on Friday 21st April at Hotel VITS, Vedant Nagar in Aurangabad.

The seminar is being organized with the objective to explore the business and investment opportunities in the UAE. It further aims to explore the wide range of advantages for the Indian industries in UAE.

RAKIA, an industrial park in UAE is going to a prime focus for the participant.

Rakia is an attractive destination for the Indian industries. At present it houses 500 manufacturers and SMEs. The park offers a wide range of services and business solutions to investors from countries. The Industrial hub has experienced exponential growth due to the incentives and subsidized facilities including warehousing, office area, industrial and easy business licensing by the UAE government. (KNN/ DA)