Send MessageStreet Address: G-582-584, EPIP
City: Boranada
Province/State: Rajasthan
Country: India
Business Details: For over 40 years, we have supported the creation of world-class medical and healthcare devices by offering integrated design and manufacturing services.
Business Type: Manufacturing Sector
Keywords: Medical Device Manufacturing; Electrotherapy Equipment; Physiotherapy; Pain Management Devices, Medical Aesthetics Devices Hearing Aids
Office Location: Rajasthan
Deep Heat and Vacuum Therapy Combo Detoxification is removing impurities, toxins from fat cells and it is done by the vacuum and heat therapy. This Combination burns Fat and removes toxins. Hi-Lipo Detox combo is smart, sturdy, lightweight ABS constructed body, is one of the most advanced and convenient infrared deep heat therapy combined with powerful vacuum therapy systems of these times. Deep Heat Therapy Deep Heat therapy can create heat 2 inch or more below the skin surface by 60ºC Heat increases the inter molecular temperature of fat cells which further results in breakdown of the bindings between tissues and muscles of the treated area, resulting in loosening of fat cells enhancing the process of slimming. Vacuum Therapy Vacuum simulates the manual cupping movement of massage which helps to mobilize and break down the excessive, accumulated stubborn adipose tissues. It improves body metabolism and increases blood supply, when combined with Heat therapy it removes toxins and waste materials through lymphatic drainage.