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2 AP districts among 3 in BEE’s MSME study Andhra Pradesh has once again emerged as an integral part of the Union Ministry of Power’s Bureau of Energy

Andhra Pradesh has once again emerged as an integral part of the Union Ministry of Power’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency’s endeavour to save energy on a large scale. Two districts in Andhra Pradesh — East and West Godavari — are the two of the three districts in the country chosen by the BEE to map energy intensive glass and refractory MSME units to introduce Energy Efficiency (EE) measures. The other district is Chirkunda in Jharkhand.

The BEE selected one district each in three States for glass industry clusters in Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, and two States for refractory clusters in one district in Jharkhand and two districts in Andhra Pradesh for conducting a detailed energy audit. The BEE is now examining the proposal of APSECM to initiate energy audit and technology assessment in spinning, cold storage and dal processing units and identification of the energy efficient technologies in a large scale in some selected MSME clusters in AP. 

New Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), which was entrusted with the task to map such energy intensive industries in energy audit, found tremendous potential to save energy in Andhra Pradesh’s refractory industry, said AP State Energy Conservation Mission (APSECM) in a statement issued on Sunday. 

The APSECM also said that based on the findings, the BEE will prepare a national-wide roadmap for Indian refractory sector with an aim to make it energy and resource efficient. “TERI conducted an energy audit in 26 refractory units in East and West Godavari of Andhra Pradesh with a production capacity of 62,500 tonnes per year. During the study, it was found that around 10 per cent energy (8.3 million units) could be saved per annum with a monetary saving of Rs 5.56 crore. This is a very promising finding for the MSME sector,” BEE’s Senior Energy Economist/Director Milind Deore and TERI’s director Girish Sethi said.These units are consuming 99.4 per cent of thermal energy and 0.6 per cent of electrical energy and causing emission of 40,313 tonnes of CO2 per annum, the statement added. Energy secretary Srikant Nagulapalli thanked the BEE and TERI.