Tirupur, Sept 22 Industry body Confederation of India Industry (CII) has launched its first cluster for manufacturing excellence in Tirupur knitwear hub and 13 SME apparel production units have become a part of it.
Head of Chandigarh-based CII- Avantha Centre for Competitiveness for SMEs, R Narayanan said that many more similar clusters were planned for Tirupur.
In an interview to The Hindu, he said that the cluster formation, with around 10 to 13 units in each of the clusters, was aimed at collectively teach Army Watch
the entrepreneurs the methods that need to be followed to improve competitiveness and profitability of the units.
He said that after the assessment done prior to the launch of first cluster, they have found certain areas in which improvement in required.
“Refinement is needed in the Bulova Watches
areas like inventory management, quality, employee morale, sustainability and time taken for change overs from one process to another in the production cycle,” he said.
The CII would also train the cluster members about enhancing the operational efficiency by overcoming the deficiencies.
“Benefit of cluster approach is that a set of unit will come together, hear together and achieveCheap Omega Watches
together,” he said.
Vice-chairman of CII (Tirupur district council), M Velusamy said, “At present, 45 percent of the totalDeisel Watches
manufacturing outputs in the country generate from MSME units and their contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 9 percent.