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E-Commerce - Implications for MSMEs

New Delhi, Nov 28 (KNN)  Considering that the internet has become such a commonplace resource, E-business provides numerous avenues for Indian SMEs to take advantage of opportunities in global markets.
To emphasise the importance of using the internet as a tool, the PHD Chamber has organised an expert session on ‘E-Commerce – Implications for MSMEs’ here on December-3.
“In order to survive in today’s challenging environment, it is imperative that SMEs be competitive and resilient. However, many Indian SMEs are still lagging behind large companies in using the Internet as an efficient business tool,” said a PHD release.
The objective of the session is to increase awareness among SMEs to understand E- commerce business models; discuss with successful e-commerce entrepreneurs on their models; and listen to case studies of small business owners who have been successful in setting up on line businesses. 
Significantly, E-business involves electronic advertising, electronic payment system, electronic marketing, electronic customer support service and electronic order and delivery.
The session will also provide a platform for delegates to interact with experts from the private sector and representatives of key ministries.