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Manesar units keen to curtail industrial wastage

Manesar, May 17 (KNN)  Manesar Industries Welfare Association (MIWA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signalling its willingness to implement lean manufacturing techniques, an initiative of MSME Ministry to curtail wastage.
Under the Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS), MSMEs will be assisted in reducing their manufacturing costs, through proper personnel management, better space utilization, scientific inventory management, improved processed flows, reduced engineering time and so on.
LMCS also brings improvement in the quality of products and lowers costs, which are essential for competing in national and international markets.
According to MIWA, nearly four clusters have been formed so far, and for each of these clusters (Group) a lean consultant would be appointed to guide them on recycling, and how to reduce wastage in terms of man power, raw material, space and energy. 
Industrialists from the automobile sector, garment industry, leather goods are a part of these clusters.
Commenting on the Scheme, General Secretary of MIWA, Manmohan Gaind said, “While producing goods we waste so many things. This wastage directly affects our profits. This scheme is really a boon for us.”
“We are happy that we have taken this initiative. If we could convert our wastage into profitability it would be a blessing not only to us as industrialists but also a bonus for our country.”
On the other hand, Arun Popli, another industrialist who has signed the MOU said, “We are compelled to give six days a week, morning till evening to plan our profitability. If one consultant can guide us on how to reduce wastage and enhance profitability it would be a dream come true.”  
The initiative taken by MIWA, he said would certainly benefit of Industry.”
Official data suggests that the Scheme has been approved as a pilot project in 100 Mini Clusters for implementations of lean techniques.
With the advent of Globalization, the competition in the manufacturing sector is ever increasing. In this competitive environment, the enterprises need to adopt efficient practice to sustain. While the big industries usually have dedicated funds and resources for innovation and efficiency, the small and medium enterprises have hardly any time or resource for this important but not so direct activity, it said.
Hence, with the view to help these industries gain efficiency, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises has launched Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme. In this Scheme, ideally 10 MSMEs (minimum 6 units) producing similar products, and having similar production process, would come together.