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MSME training programme on electrical, metallurgy testing

New Delhi, Oct 20 The MSME Testing Centre here is offering a four month long training course on chemical, electrical and mechanical and metallurgy testing to cater to unemployed youth.   

The testing course on chemicals will include study of materials like soap, detergent, cosmetic, paints, building materials, analysis of metal and non-metal including instrumental analysis.

On the other hand, the training on electrical covers cables and conductors, electrical appliance and fans; and the programme on mechanical and metallurgy testing includes physical properties of metal and non-metal products and materials.

Individuals having diplomas or degrees in electrical, mechanical or metallurgy engineering and B Sc in chemistry for chemical discipline can apply for the training course.
MSME-Testing Centre has an objective to support MSMEs in particular and also other industries for improvement of skills of their testing personnel.

The test and calibration services at the institution are periodically reviewed for enhancement of existing scope as well as inclusion of need based new facilities.