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‘Need-based, timely finance necessary for MSMEs’

Financial Health Clinic is a pathology report based on the financial statements of MSME sector. It diagnosis the week financial parameters of an enterprise, which helps the entrepreneur and professionals take timely corrective measures, said B C Bhartia, National President of CAIT. He was speaking at Financial Health Clinic organised by CreditEnable Mumbai and Team CAIT Nagpur. Bhartia said, it is necessary to review cost of borrowing funds. It is also necessary that finance has to be need based and timely. In order to become eligible for need based cheap finance, it is necessary that annual financial statements are analysed. Such financial clinic helps MSME. James Pattison, Chief of Staff CreditEnable London


said that there is huge gap in demand for credit by MSME and loans given by banks. It is estimated that the gap is around 230 Billion Dollars. CreditEnable is working to bridge this gap. Anup Agrawal, Vice President, Credit Analytics with the help of Power Point Presentation explained the different financial ratios and parameters, which are generally looked by financial institutions. Yamini Patel, Credit Analyst did analysis of various financial statements and explained the weakness and strong point in different entrepreneur. She also explained entrepreneur’s ability to get a loan with fast approval process. and competitive interest rates. Gopal Agrawal, Chairman, welcome the guests. In his welcome speech he said that CAIT is committed to ensure MSME avails fast loan. Kishor Dharashivkar, President Team CAIT Nagpur said that those MSMEs who are interested to avail facilities of CrediEnable can meet officials of Team CAIT Nagpur for detailed information. Present were Ramkrishna Gupta, Vice President, Prabhakar Deshmukh, Rajkumar Gupta, Nikhilesh Thakar, Dyaneshwar Rakshak, S B Bhotolia, Ravindra Gupta, Anil Nagpal, Vinod Gupta, Swarnima Sinha, Jayshree Gupta, Satish Bang, Madusudan Trivedi, Chandrakant Telmasare, Satyanarayan Gupta, Mahesh Chaudhari, Vinet Rathore, Rahul Mishra, Archana Rastogi, Sunil Surnani, Jagdish Gupta, Rajkumar Bhagtani, Saknet Kashyap, Chhaya Sharma, Vijay R Tiwari, Shikha Gupta and Archna Rastogi.