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Technological skill development programme for entrepreneurship

New Delhi, Dec 28 (KNN)  With the objective to provide better and improved technological skills of production, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute (MSME-DI) and Jyotirmay Institute of Industrial Training (JIIT) are jointly organising entrepreneurship cum skill development programme (ESDP) in the national capital.

The programme has six week certificate course in repairing electric gadgets like fan, iron and toaster. It also has two week EDP on computer accounting with tally.

The course contents ESDPs like how to set up and manage MSME, entrepreneurial motivation, marketing management, government schemes for self-employment, bank finance and preparation of project reports.

EDPs are being organized regularly to nurture the talent of youth by enlightening them on various aspects of industrial activity required for setting up MSEs. These EDPs are generally conducted in ITIs, Polytechnics and other technical institutions, where skill is available to motivate them towards self-employment.