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Training programme to enhance energy efficiency at MSMEs

Chennai, Feb 20 (KNN)  With an objective to bridge the gap between energy efficiency theory and practice, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is conducting a cluster specific hands-on training program at the Centre of Excellence for Training in Energy Efficiency, here.

The facility is a joint initiative of the Indo-Japanese government co-operation having state-of-the-art training infrastructure.  It is a part of BEE-GEF-World Bank project "Financing Energy Efficiency at MSMEs".

While the training on Electrical systems will be held from March 3-5, on Forging it will be held on March 20-21 and on Chemical from April 7-8, BEE said.

The programme focuses on enhancing the skills of participants from the MSME sector, helping them to identify and implement measures related to energy efficiency improvements.

Participants will learn the benefits of energy usage and conservation opportunities in foundries, hands-on-training on prototypes related to foundry industries and understanding how to identify and implement cost- effectively energy-efficiency measure.

The mission of BEE is to institutionalisation energy efficiency services, enable delivery mechanisms and provide leadership to energy efficiency in all sectors of the country.
Its primary objective is to reduce energy intensity in the economy.